Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Avery is going to be mobile soon! She is 7.5 months old! She does lots of rocking, scooters backwards, gets mad b/c she cannot get to her toys. She gets up on her feet to bear crawl, but cannot figure out that she needs to move her arms too! So much fun to watch!

Summer 2008 is coming to an end.. where did it go.. oh yeah....., surgeries, sickness, pumping and more pumping, eating ice cream cones & popsicles, playing playing and more playing.... learning new things, trips to Iowa and Denver.

More posts to follow soon!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

My one and only turned 7!!!!!!

Celebrating Hayden's Big day by passing out root beer floats to his neighbor friends!

Happy Birthday Rudy! I always wanted a 7 year old boy and now I have one!

Avery is 7 Months!! She can officially roll over "the hard way"- from back to belly! She is doing really well with the exception of a few crabby crabby nights.. We find that too much caffeine that mom drinks makes for a crabby baby.. so much so that we almost started reflux medication again. Then it dawned on me again..... Coffee .. the culprit. I guess I thought b/c Avery had been doing so well that there were not limitations now! I was wrong! One coffee once and a while seems to be fine, but several days in a row can make Avery miserable even when she is getting some formula too! It must irritate her or trigger her reflux to begin again.. b/c she screams like she is in pain.. so sorry Avery... mom will watch it now until you are not longer getting mom's milk.

Babbling is still going well. She attempts to copy some sounds, but it's early for this anyways so we just practice it. When the Big kids are bored and or lingering around the kitchen I tell them to do speech with Ava!
Hmmm.. what else can we report! We had a Big family reunion- below is just the immediate family. Avery you are so lucky to have such a large and wonderful family!!! They are all behind you and ready to support you in any way!!! We love Big families! We head to Iowa next week for our annual trip to see Jeff's side. We are dreading the nearly 8 hour car ride with Little Miss Fussy Buns- she HATES the car.. Ugh! What will we do? Needless to say we are searching for more Laurie Burkner DVDs!
We are officially trying to get in to a routine of feeding Avery solids... Not needed for nutrition until they are over one year old, but it's good texture experience. I used to use a syringe to get the oatmeal down, but now Avery will not have that. Custard works the best and doesn't come up her nose!

Well, Avery- you are looking good..... Your nose seems to change daily, but it's really holding its shape.. and your scar is thin and looking good- so much so I am afraid to massage it. Dr. L said I could, but not necessary. Think I will wait until 6 weeks post op by the advice of a friend. Seems like a good plan. I see people do the double take at times wondering if there is something different, but sometimes I notice people not even noticing! I don't want you to ever notice either.. I know one day you will, but I hope you never feel different - I only hope you feel beautiful.. like I want all my children to feel! Love you Ava baby! Love Mama

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About Me

Saint Michael, Minnesota
Capturing life's moments has been a long time passion of mine. Taking photos of people should not only capture what they look like, but it should also capture what they are thinking & feeling at that particular Moment In Time.

Funny Kids!

  • Hayden sees me with my pump and a bottle of pedialite and says to me " Hey, I didn't know you could make apple juice" He was so serious and so cute!
  • Gracie Kate says to me.. mom did you always want kids.. my answer was yes... she said Well, now you got them...lots of them.
  • Hayden leaned over me in bed as he, avery and I were snuggling and said..." Is it just me or is Avery pretending to be an angel" My heart melted.
  • Maddie said that attending face to face confession with our priest was like sitting with God. You feel so close to God- It's awesome!
  • Today GK informed me that she named all her toes! The left big toe is Pokey and all it's siblings have a rhyming name. The right is Sharpie with it's sibs all rhyming as well! Crazy Girl!!!!