Thursday, March 19, 2009

Avery reading to George!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

kissing cousins

Avery and her adorable little cousin Ethan who is just 15 months older had a blast today. Ethan and I went up to get Avery up from morning nap and I asked him if he wanted to go in the crib with Avery..thinking he would say no for fear that it would be his nap, but he politely said - YES! So I put him in and away they went. Jumping, giggling, and kissing.. I never once told them what to do. Ethan showed Avery how to whip her stuffed animals out, Avery got Ethan to copy her tongue action, and all had fun for about 30 minutes... maybe more.. I have so many cute pix.. Here are a few!

Thanks for a fun day EJ- love Avery Elizabeth

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


HI Daddy- it was good talking to you today on the computer! We will send more pix!- Love you and see you soon! Love your girls! Goose, Monkey, and Ava!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Ahhhhhh 5 weeks post operation palate!

Well, we are feeling closer to our old routine. I am not freaking out if she puts something near her mouth and eating is going really well and my little peanut is beginning to put on some weight. She lost over a pound and seemed to get very skinny. she really had not gained weight in over 3 months.... I am guessing she is now at her per surgical weight... of 19.8 lbs or larger.
We will see the doc for our 15month well check - which will not include the MMR or any shots. We think we have the allergies under control. Avery can have milk as her allergy to is is low so we just need to watch it.. Other wise the allergies are soy, wheat, peanuts, all fish and all nuts... We will re test next year to see if things have changed. We need to carry an epi pen with us at all times and I am suspecting green peas may also be a problem..not sure yet..... can you be allergic to peas?
Avery's palate seems to have healed well. I still freak out at times about whether or not she has a fistula.... Some baby mush still comes out her nose at each feeding, but it is very little. I've been told that it is very normal and it will happen for 3months until the palate softens up. A palate repair is much more complicated than just covering up the gap. It's layers upon layers of muscle, tissue, nerves, etc... This is why anatomy and your surgeon is so important. For a cleft affected child avery had great anatomy she was lucky... so I only hope we picked the right surgeon... He's growing on me! :O) Jeff will know what I mean...long story short, I didn't like any of the surgeons all that well... like Dr. L the best! At one year old Avery loves to play with toys, is extremely quick with language and has an great memory for her age... She remembers and associates things you would never expect a baby to connect with. She will sit for 40 minutes to read books...of course we are not reading them all the way, but skimming the pages are more like it... She Loves those board books with textures and also loves flip up books. Avery has learned to defend her self against the unwanted pick up or kisses and squeezes. She will hit at the kids if they try to move her from a danger area or take something from her.. Then she will feel bad about it and give them nice touches. She is also a stinker...She is the exact replica of Hayden, but in a girly form and had the personality and back profile of Maddie....She also chuckles like Maddie did at her age.. and also whips the toys behind her head as hard as she can. when she is done looking at it... just like Maddie- weird! Her voice is huskie like Rue's so it will be funny to see how that develops. As for speech she has developed this new jabber and it is the cutest thing ever... it's like a fast Auctioneer...and she points all the while she is doing it... Some new sounds seem to be emerging, but the latest is she has made up signs to tell me she is done. She points with pointer when she wants out of her chair and she wants me to use my pointer to giver her pointer a high five.. then she is done and wants out... Too funny.. then when we say thank you to her she blows us a kiss..... the weird thing is that she is doing the real sign language sign for thank you! I love it... if she only knew!

oooohh ahhhhh eeeeh

These are the sounds ava makes when she sees her george. Loves her two monkeys. She has always had an affinity for stuffed animals since birth. Will write more later!

Baby Blues

Messing around with biggest Sis!

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About Me

Saint Michael, Minnesota
Capturing life's moments has been a long time passion of mine. Taking photos of people should not only capture what they look like, but it should also capture what they are thinking & feeling at that particular Moment In Time.

Funny Kids!

  • Hayden sees me with my pump and a bottle of pedialite and says to me " Hey, I didn't know you could make apple juice" He was so serious and so cute!
  • Gracie Kate says to me.. mom did you always want kids.. my answer was yes... she said Well, now you got them...lots of them.
  • Hayden leaned over me in bed as he, avery and I were snuggling and said..." Is it just me or is Avery pretending to be an angel" My heart melted.
  • Maddie said that attending face to face confession with our priest was like sitting with God. You feel so close to God- It's awesome!
  • Today GK informed me that she named all her toes! The left big toe is Pokey and all it's siblings have a rhyming name. The right is Sharpie with it's sibs all rhyming as well! Crazy Girl!!!!