Sunday, November 21, 2010

Where has the time gone?

Avery Cakes is 2 and a half and moving and shakin all around the town. What a fun and beautiful little spirit this child has. We all feel so blessed that she has joined our family and all would feel a void if she not with our family. Avery will tell you she is crazy- she loves to be silly and goofy. Avery loves coloring, tea parties, playing ball and loves goats and cows- go figure. She is a real lady too dressing up in tutu's and fairy wings...sometimes coming to the dinner table in just those items..ehm ehm... well she does a good zooloo to so watch out for naked babies in the House. Avery is STILL a mama's girl, but has managed to not be ballistic in the care of others. She has a recent and special affinity for Miss Angela and her friend Mark, Megan, and Oreo. She now only cries for a little bit when I leave her with her sitters..which isn't very often. She loves her big brother and sissy's - she calls them Guys... Hey Where are the guys today?She is already dreaming of one day riding the big school bus. Avery's speech and development has been leaps and bounds and she is doing soooo well. Her speech lacks any sort of nasal leakage and her pronunciation is amazing. Many answered prayers were sent our way. We continue to pray for her and all those who are affected by some anomaly. I am going to try to post more often- for Avery's sake and my memory. This blog has been a wonderful account of Avery's growing up....thus far. :O) We love our little sparkler and are trying not to spoil her. She's winning!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Favorite Songs

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About Me

Saint Michael, Minnesota
Capturing life's moments has been a long time passion of mine. Taking photos of people should not only capture what they look like, but it should also capture what they are thinking & feeling at that particular Moment In Time.

Funny Kids!

  • Hayden sees me with my pump and a bottle of pedialite and says to me " Hey, I didn't know you could make apple juice" He was so serious and so cute!
  • Gracie Kate says to me.. mom did you always want kids.. my answer was yes... she said Well, now you got them...lots of them.
  • Hayden leaned over me in bed as he, avery and I were snuggling and said..." Is it just me or is Avery pretending to be an angel" My heart melted.
  • Maddie said that attending face to face confession with our priest was like sitting with God. You feel so close to God- It's awesome!
  • Today GK informed me that she named all her toes! The left big toe is Pokey and all it's siblings have a rhyming name. The right is Sharpie with it's sibs all rhyming as well! Crazy Girl!!!!