Friday, July 11, 2008

Video of Avery just before we left the hospital.

Avery had a good night last night. She slept a lot, never got up to eat, but again was up off and on for brief moments. Almost startled at times, but would go right back down. She has strider (croup like sound). She must have a swollen airway from the breathing tube. Her surgeon was not concerned. It seems to come on after she sleeps and gets better when she is awake.

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About Me

Saint Michael, Minnesota
Capturing life's moments has been a long time passion of mine. Taking photos of people should not only capture what they look like, but it should also capture what they are thinking & feeling at that particular Moment In Time.

Funny Kids!

  • Hayden sees me with my pump and a bottle of pedialite and says to me " Hey, I didn't know you could make apple juice" He was so serious and so cute!
  • Gracie Kate says to me.. mom did you always want kids.. my answer was yes... she said Well, now you got them...lots of them.
  • Hayden leaned over me in bed as he, avery and I were snuggling and said..." Is it just me or is Avery pretending to be an angel" My heart melted.
  • Maddie said that attending face to face confession with our priest was like sitting with God. You feel so close to God- It's awesome!
  • Today GK informed me that she named all her toes! The left big toe is Pokey and all it's siblings have a rhyming name. The right is Sharpie with it's sibs all rhyming as well! Crazy Girl!!!!