Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Avery likes to lay on the carpet and spin in a circle. Her head stays planted and she moves her body and does 360. She gets mad by the end... Like -"Hey... don't you see I need help here. I am trying to go somewhere and it just keep spinning" 3 weeks post- op. Avery is doing well and her adhesion seems to be mostly healed. She will cry if she smacks it a good one. I emailed her surgeon about the stitches wriggling out instead of dissolving and that they looked like whiskers. he said " the whisker look is normal" and not to do any thing to the scar like massage it. We'll do that to the next cosmetic scar. I am a bit concerned b/c her adhesion is a bit raised. I am not sure if that is normal or not. She screamed so much that 2nd week my worry was that she was pulling on the sutures. My guess is that the adhesion is not the cosmetic or "real" surgery so hopefully it will not be raised after the 2nd surgery. She does looks great and continues to do well. It's amazing to us that her face has gone through so much more than any other baby her age. If we look at her beginning pictures and one we have now.. its pretty amazing. We just hope and pray she gets the best possible outcome for both her lip and her palate. We hope and pray that this disfiguring mark on her face will not hinder her in life one bit. We hope that when she is 13 and looking in a mirror she is satisfied with herself and can embrace the fact that she was born with a cleft lip. It breaks my heart to think she'd think anything else.

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Saint Michael, Minnesota
Capturing life's moments has been a long time passion of mine. Taking photos of people should not only capture what they look like, but it should also capture what they are thinking & feeling at that particular Moment In Time.

Funny Kids!

  • Hayden sees me with my pump and a bottle of pedialite and says to me " Hey, I didn't know you could make apple juice" He was so serious and so cute!
  • Gracie Kate says to me.. mom did you always want kids.. my answer was yes... she said Well, now you got them...lots of them.
  • Hayden leaned over me in bed as he, avery and I were snuggling and said..." Is it just me or is Avery pretending to be an angel" My heart melted.
  • Maddie said that attending face to face confession with our priest was like sitting with God. You feel so close to God- It's awesome!
  • Today GK informed me that she named all her toes! The left big toe is Pokey and all it's siblings have a rhyming name. The right is Sharpie with it's sibs all rhyming as well! Crazy Girl!!!!